What is Roadmap?

Roadmap allows users to view, suggest, and vote for feature and tool candidates.

At IXN we value your feedback! Many of our great features have come from the suggestions and insights given by our clients. We want to allow you to give us feedback though as many outlets as possible. That is the purpose of the Roadmap found in your IXN Dashboard. This overview will guide you though the main points of the Roadmap feature. 

To access the Roadmap, first login to your Dashboard. Then select Roadmap from the bottom of the left menu.

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Once in the Roadmap section there are a few actions you can take. You can click through the tabs at the top of the page to view the different stages of current projects. Candidates are features and tools still in the idea phase. This is where your insights really help! In this tab you see a card for each feature candidate. A brief description of the feature and how many other users have also voted for that feature is displayed on the card. If you do not see a card that matches your idea, you can also submit a new idea to us using the button in the upper right corner.

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Clicking into a feature card allows you to see more details about the proposed project. There you can vote for how important this feature or tool is to your business. The votes we receive directly affect how we prioritize the projects our team works on. 

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Not seeing a feature you want to have? Or want to provide more detail about the use cases of a listed feature? Submit a new idea to our product team. Provide as much detail as possible about your great idea. Our product team will review your feedback to determine new project candidates or boost the priority of existing projects. 

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Check back on the Roadmap from time to time to see our progress on different projects. Continue to give feedback from the Planning to the Testing phases. Then see all the great ideas we've Released based on your feedback!

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Questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out to our support team at support@ixntech.com or calling 800-250-5152 #2