We cover the basic features and functionality of the Agency Life Quoter to help you run a quote and select products.
Quote Criteria
This guide will be covering the Agency Life Quoter and some of its key features. In the quoter, the first screen is where the quote criteria is entered. The criteria is divided into three parts: the Proposed Insured, Product Information, and Agent Information.
Proposed Insured
While entering information about the Proposed Insured, the agent is able to switch between entering date of birth or age, if needed. Multiple health categories can be compared in the same quote. For example, a standard health category and a tabled health category can be compared in the same results. If the agent needs guidance on what health category the client needs, the toolbox in the lower left corner can be selected to check the underwriting guides. Other useful resources will also be found in the toolbox.
Product Information
In the Product Information multiple product types and carriers can also be selected. The most common products are near the top, but you are able to view the whole list by clicking the View All Types button. Much of this information will save on the browser in use via cookies, so frequently used information won't need to be entered with every quote. Up to three face amounts can be quoted at once by hitting Tab or Enter after each face amount entry. In the upper right above the Face Amount field is a Needs Analysis tool. This tool uses some basic financial questions to calculate the needed face amount for the client. The Needs Analysis Tool can also be found in the Toolbox in the lower left of the quote criteria screen. Any flat extra or riders that need to be included can also be added.
Agent Information
Lastly, the agent information. Some of this information may be required depending on requirements your individual agency has designated. There is also the option to create and login to an IXN account from this section. Creating an account is not required, but can be beneficial for using some feature such as E-apps. If your Agency also uses a mobile app through IXN, the Agency Life Quoter uses the same login credentials as the Mobile App.
With all required information filled out, select Run Quotes. Note that if too many options are selected at once you may be asked to limit your criteria. The Quote results will load after a short moment.
Quote Results
In the quote results the quote information entered is displayed at the very top of the screen. Just below is the quote list. In cases where there are a lot of results, the results can be paired down by using the sorting and filtering options at the top right of the quote list. A search bar is available to search the results by carrier or product name. Clicking on the filter icon shows even more options. Results can be sorted by premium or carrier name, which can be set to ascending or descending. Results can also be grouped by product type, face amount or health category which can be handy if you are comparing multiple. The agent can also filter by premium range or by certain product features. For example, if the agent only wants to view products that are convertible.
Share and Compare
For sharing multiple quotes with a client, or staff sharing results with an agent, users can check the box next to each product to reveal the option to share or compare in the upper right of the quote list. Comparing shows a side by side comparison of the selected product's premiums and features. From this view you may move on to share. From share there are options to download, email, or text a PDF with more information. There are a few types of PDFs to choose from- either a Detailed Comparison, Condensed Premium Comparison, Premium Comparison, or Feature Comparison.
Clicking Show Details on a single result will provide more information for that quote. First is the Features of the product. If the Agency Life Quoter is synced with our Forms Engine, PDF forms can be download from the Forms section. In addition, there is a Carrier Overview displaying information such as the A.M. Best rating and other company stats. Lastly, there are sections for Premium Breakdown and any Important Information the carrier would like to display.
Quote Actions
One of the great thing about the Agency Life Quoter is the other options that can be added to the quote results to give the agent more power and options. Hover over the quote card and click the Get Started button that appears. Other options for the quote are shown here such as download, email, or text the PDF for the individual quote. Users may also download the new business packet if available, request forms from the agency, or start an E-app or E-ticket depending on what actions are enabled. The Agency Life Quoter is not limited to just Quote Actions integrated with the IXN platform. If your agency has other options to include as part of the workflow, these can be added as well. For example, a quote action could be added to link to a carrier website on an online form. There are also advanced configurations for developers to create unique quote actions. These additional options in the menu can be mixed and matched to provide the best workflow for your business.
If you have any question about what we've covered you're welcome to reach out to support team at support@ixntech.com or call 800-250-5152 and we would be happy to go into more detail.