Notification Triggers from the IXN Dashboard have the option of sending via Web Call in addition to Email. The following information may be sent in the notification trigger payload.
Proposed Insured Information
first_name |
middle_name |
last_name |
phone |
street1 |
street2 |
city |
state |
zip |
title |
provider_status |
Quote Information
adb_rider |
adb_rider_annual |
adb_rider_monthly |
adb_rider_quarterly |
adb_rider_semi_annual |
am_best_date |
base_premium_annual |
base_premium_monthly |
base_premium_quarterly |
base_premium_semi_annual |
carrier_health_category |
carrier_name |
child_rider_annual |
child_rider_monthly |
child_rider_quarterly |
child_rider_semi_annual |
child_rider_unit_coverage |
child_rider_units |
child_wop_rider_annual |
child_wop_rider_monthly |
child_wop_rider_quarterly |
child_wop_rider_semi_annual |
face_amount |
flat_extra_annual |
flat_extra_monthly |
flat_extra_quarterly |
flat_extra_semi_annual |
gender |
guid |
policy_fee_annual |
policy_fee_monthly |
policy_fee_quarterly |
policy_fee_semi_annual |
premium_annual |
premium_monthly |
premium_quarterly |
premium_semi_annual |
product_name |
product_type |
rate_age |
state |
table_rate_annual |
table_rate_letter |
table_rate_monthly |
table_rate_percent |
table_rate_quarterly |
table_rate_semi_annual |
tobacco |
wop_rider_annual |
wop_rider_monthly |
wop_rider_quarterly |
wop_rider_semi_annual |
In addition, fields collected within the E-Ticket can be sent in the Web Call. These fields will vary depending on the carrier.
Questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out to our Support Team at or call 800-250-5152 #2.