Mobile App Release Notes - Version 4.14.0

Changes and fixes included in mobile app update 4.14.0


  • Find an Agent feature update

Using the Find an Agent option in the Consumer Quoter now shows a map where the agent is located. Tapping on the app opens more information in your device's map app. Additionally, buttons to call or email an agent are shown on the screen.

  • Text input errors display on the field

If an invalid entry is submitted in a text field, the text field will turn red and explain the cause of the error. For example, if you enter an email in the reset password field that isn't in our system.

  • Visual adjustments to the Consumer Quoter

Slight visual adjustments have been made to the Quote Criteria Fields appearance.

  • Consumers can remove a previously selected agent

When a consumer selects an agent they have the option to remove the selected agent at the time they are filling out the application request form. They can also choose a new agent at that point. 


  • Form Integration fixs

There was a bug that would sometimes result in a form integration only showing a blank screen. This has been corrected.