The Agency Life Quoter now allows users to filter quote results by Product Features. Here we include a brief explanation of each feature.
Product Features can be found in the Agency Life Quoter in the quote results. Click the Show Details bar at the bottom of each quote, then choose the Features tab to see what features are listed for the product. Users are also able to filter results by feature using the Filtering icon in the upper right corner of the quote list.
The following briefly describe the features currently listed:
Carrier has an Accelerated Underwriting Program - Products with this tag have an accelerated underwriting program available. Check the carrier's requirements to see if the proposed insured qualifies.
Chronic Illness Covered (ADB Rider) - The Accelerated Death Benefit rider for the selected products covers chronic illness. This means a portion of the policy's death benefit can be accessed if the insured is unable to perform 2 of the 6 activities of daily living. Check the carrier's product guide for specific details.
Convertible - Products with this tag can be converted to permanent policies at the end of their term length. Check the carrier's product guide for specific details.
Critical Illness covered (ADB Rider) - The Accelerated Death Benefit rider for the selected products covers critical illness. This means a portion of the policy's death benefit can be accessed if the insured is diagnosed with a qualifying illness during their policy duration. Check the carrier's product guide for a list of covered illnesses.
Discount Program Enrollment - Policyholders with these products can enroll in a program with discounts at a variety of stores.
Included Common Carrier Accidental Death Benefit Rider - This rider pays out an additional benefit if the insured was killed on a 'common carrier' (i.e. planes, trains, buses, etc.) as a fare-paying passenger. Products with this tag include this rider at no additional cost. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Included Cost of Living Increase Rider - This rider allows the policyholder to increase the face amount of their policy as the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increases, without showing proof of insurability. Products with this tag include this rider at no additional cost. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Included Family Health Benefit Rider - This rider provides a benefit for qualified health situations to the insured and their family, caused by a catastrophic event recognized by the U.S. National Weather Service or U.S. Geological Survey. Products with this tag include this rider at no additional cost. See the carrier's product guide for more information.
Included Nursing Home Confinement Rider - This rider pays a monthly benefit if the insured has been continuously confined to a nursing home and is expected to remain confined until death. Products with this tag include this rider at no additional cost. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Included Residential Damage Benefit - In the event that the policyholder's residential home is damaged, the policy premiums are waived for a period of time. Products with this tag include this rider at no additional cost. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Included ROP Rider - Products with this tag include the return of premium rider at no-cost. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Included Unemployment Waiver of Premium - In the event the policyholder becomes unemployed, the policy premiums are waived. Products with this tag include this rider at no additional cost. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
No-Cost Wearable - The policyholder is issued an activity tracker (FitBit, Apple Watch, etc.) for little to no cost. See product guide for more information.
Option to Decrease Face Amount - The policyholder has the option to decrease the face amount of their policy after issue. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Option to Increase Face Amount - The policyholder has the option to increase the face amount of their policy after issue. See carrier product guide for more detailed information.
Terminal Illness Covered (ADB Rider) - The Accelerated Death Benefit rider for the selected products covers terminal illness. This means a portion of the policy's death benefit can be accessed if the insured is diagnosed with a qualifying terminal illness, that will lead to death, during their policy duration.