Wufoo Integration Guide

This Integration can be applied to the following Products: Agency Life Quoter (ALQ), Mobile App, Website Quoter.

1. Go to https://www.wufoo.com/ and create an account. 

2. After creating your account, go to your email and confirm account creation. 

3. Once your account has been confirmed, login to Wufoo account. 

4. You should now see the page below. To create a form, click "New Form" in the right-hand corner. 


5. Now let's add our first field! Click "Single Line Text" on the left-hand side.


6. Click on the field to the right to edit. To rename, type in "Carrier Name" in the field label on the left. 


7. To add another field, simple click "Add a field" next to "Field Settings". 


8. Click "Number" on the left-hand side to add a number field. To rename, click the field on the right. Then type "Face Amount" in the field label box. 


9.Repeat steps 5-6 to if you would like to add more fields (remember to give them new names), the chart below gives you more options in the "Field Name" column. 

Product Information

Field Name Field Title Field Type
ADB Rider Annual |*adb_rider_annual*| Number
ADB Rider Max Coverage |*adb_rider_max_coverage*| Number
ADB Rider Monthly |*adb_rider_monthly*| Number
ADB Rider Quarterly |*adb_rider_quarterly*| Number
ADB Rider Semi-Annual |*adb_rider_semi_annual*| Number
Age Rate |*age_rate*| Number
AM Best Date |*am_best_date*| Date
AM Best Rating |*am_best_rating*| Single Line Text
Base Premium Annual |*base_premium_annual*| Number
Base Premium Monthly |*base_premium_monthly*| Number
Base Premium Quarterly |*base _premium_quarterly*| Number
Base Premium-Annual |*base_premium_semi_annual*| Number
Carrier Health Category |*carrier_health_category*| Single Line Text
Carrier ID |*carrier_id*| Number
Carrier Name |*carrier_name*| Single Line Text
Child Rider Annual |*child_rider_annual*| Number
Child Rider Monthly |*child_rider_monthly*| Number
Child Rider Quarterly |*child_rider_quarterly*| Number
Child Rider Semi Annual |*child_rider_semi_annual*| Number
Child Rider Unit Coverage |*child_rider_unti_coverage*| Number
Child Rider Units |*child_rider_unite*| Number
Child WOP Rider Annual |child_wop_rider_annual*| Number
Child WOP Rider Monthly |*child_wop_rider_monthly*| Number
Child WOP Rider Quarterly |*child_wop_rider_quarterly*| Number
Child WOP Rider Semi-Annual |*child_wop_rider_quarterly*| Number
Face Amount |*face_amount*| Number
Flat Extra Annual |*flat_extra_annual*| Number
Flat Extra Monthly


Flat Extra Quarterly


Flat Extra Semi-Annual




Single Line Text


Single Line Text
IXN Health Category


Single Line Text
Policy Fee Annual


Policy Fee Monthly


Policy Fee Quarterly


Policy Fee Semi-Annual


Premium Annual


Premium Monthly


Premium Quartely


Premium Semi-Annual


Product ID


Product Name


Single Line Text
Rate Age


Table Rate Annual


Table Rate ID


Table Rate Letter


Single Line Text

Table Rate Monthly



Table Rate Percent



Table Rate Quarterly



Table Rate Semi-Annual



WOP Rider Annual



WOP Rider Monthly



WOP Rider Quarterly



WOP Rider Semi-Annual



Quote Information

Field Name Field Type Field Type
Age Type |*age_type*| Single Line Text
Agent Email (mobile only) |*agent_email*| Single Line Text
Agent First Name (mobile only) |*agent_first_name*| Single Line Text
Agent Last Name (mobile only) |*agent_last_name*| Single Line Text
Agnet Phone (mobile only) |*agent_phone*| Single Line Text
Current Age |*current_age*| Number
Date Of Birth |*date_of_birth*| Single Line Text
DOB Day |*dob_day*| Number
DOB Month |*dob_month*| Number
DOB Year |*dob_year*| Number
First Name |*first_name*| Single Line Text
Last Name |*last_name*| Single Line Text
Nearest Age |*nearest_age*| Number
Referrer URL |*referrer_url*| Single Line Text
State |*state*| Single Line Text
Tobacco |*tobacco*| Single Line Text

10. Before we move on, we also need to name our form! Click "Untitled form" at the top and rename it whatever you like in the box "Form name" on the left. Our form will be named "Example #1". 


11. Now that we are finished with editing, click "Share Form". It will then ask you if you would like to save your changes. Click" Save Changes". 


12. The first thing we will do, is click "API Information" on the right. This will open a separate page we will need in the following steps. Once you've clicked on it and a new page has opened, return to this page. Then, click "Copy Link". 


13. Open a new tab, put this link into the search bar, and click enter. You will now see your form! We are going to edit the URL we just entered. Right now, mine looks like this:


14. Following the "/" at the end of the URL type "def/". It should now look like this:


15. Before we finish editing the URL, we are going to need to look at the "API Information" page (see step 11). It will look something like the page below.


16. In the URL, we are going to assign each API ID a field title. Our URL will look like this:


After "/def/" we will type "field" followed by the API ID set equal to (=) the corresponding field_title. If we are assigning multiple API ID's separate them with the "&" sign. The example above will be helpful to refer to! It is VERY important you follow this formatting. Do this for each field you have in your form (the chart in step 9 will be helpful). 

17. Now that we have finished assigning each API ID, highlight and copy the edited URL. 


18. Open a new tab and enter dashboard.ixn.tech

19. Enter your email and password, then click "Login". 

20. Once you are logged in, click "Products" in the navigation on the left-hand side.

Dashboard Navigation - Product

21. Find your Agency Life Quoter, Mobile App, or Website Quoter in your list of products.  Click on the name.

Product List - Agency Life Quoter

22. Click "Settings" at the top of the page. For the Agency Life Quoter and Mobile app, Select "Quote Actions" in the dropdown. For the Website Quoter, please follow these steps.

23. Click "Create New Action" in the upper right-hand corner.

24. Now, we will edit the type, label, and URL. First, click on the dropdown beneath "Type". Select "Wufoo Form".


25. Then click on the field under "Label" and name your quote action. It can be whatever you like, but we will name our quote action "Wufoo". 

26. In the field under "URL" paste your edited URL. You may also upload an icon or limit carriers, but for this tutorial you can just click "Save". 

27. Now go to your product to run quotes! Fill out the quote information and click "View Quotes". We will be using generic information for this example. 


28. Click on the desired quote, and you should see a green menu that will list your quote action. Our quote action is named "Wufoo" so we will click on that. 


29. A new page will open and we will see the form we created! You will also notice that the fields have been pre-filled. This is what we did in step 15. If something isn't pre-filled where it should be, double check that step 15 was done correctly. You can click "Submit" to submit your form. 


That is the end of our tutorial! Thank you for following along. 

Questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out to our Support Team at support@ixntech.com or call 800-250-5152 #2.